I would have asked her,
"When you see me walking down the street in the "new system" will you be glad to see me or will you be pissed off that someone who you view as deserving of the same judgement as Adolf Hitler, actually made it?"
a brother who is not baptized ( so there's still hope for him ) had a sister recently run into him at a store.
show wanted to know if he's going to the kingdom hall.
she asked him to write a letter for her to give to his mother ( who's deceased) in the paradise explaining why he didn't make it.
I would have asked her,
"When you see me walking down the street in the "new system" will you be glad to see me or will you be pissed off that someone who you view as deserving of the same judgement as Adolf Hitler, actually made it?"
rev.14: 1-6 describes the 144000 as males who do not defile themselves with women and are classed as virgins.?.
how does the governing body of j.w.`s explain that a man having a sexual relationship with a woman defiles a man?.
isn`t this or shouldn`t this be an affront to women who are jehovah`s witnesses ?
Rev.14: 1-6 describes the 144000 as males who do not defile themselves with women and are classed as virgins.?
This could explain why it has taken so long for this "wicked system" to end.
i would like as many people that can, to respond to this appeal as i am sure their are many examples out their that may help lurkers and fence sitters to make a decision on where they stand regarding the "truth".
i look forward to your comments either negative or plus..
They switched to a "contribution" basis for obtaining literature at the Kingdom Hall under the guise of lovingly simplifying the process when actually they did so to avoid loosing their non profit status or having to pay taxes because they were basically selling the literature to the publishers.
They "forgave" certain Kingdom Hall loans under the guise of being loving and generous when in reality they were in legal danger because it was discovered they were loaning money and charging interest without reporting it to the governmental authorities.
They claim that it is a shameful thing to have a paid Clergy yet Circuit Overseers and Bethel workers are supported by donation monies even thought Jesus and his apostles supported themselves in their ministry.
At the doors they say "We are not here to solicit church membership." yet the whole purpose of their visit is to hunt for and recruit potential new congregation members.
i was having a great chat with a valued friend and fellow forum member today on the phone.. we were discussing how deeply we all get affected by jw interactions - even years after fading or disassociating.. you know what i mean.
those days when we run into jws who we considered to be our close friends.
or "loving shepherds" who don't act kindly.
Being a Jehovah's Witness is part of our very DNA. It was like our arm or leg - integral to who we were as a very person! Not something that could easily be removed from us!
That which we believe to be true and knowledge we have gained (even if inaccurate) when held in place with emotion, is very deeply seated and hard to get rid of even when we know otherwise.
That is precisely why fear tactics (subtle or blatant) and heartfelt singing are often part of the tactics JW use when indoctrinating it's new converts and to keep existing in place.
"Truth Sounds Like Hate to those Who Hate The Truth"
That is precisely why Jehovah's Witnesses revel in the notion that they are universally hated for speaking what they call "The Truth of God's Word" even though most people don't even know who they are more often than not, the legal systems in most lands support them in their rights to preach.
i was just told there will be international conventions in canada in 2019. .
so i looked at jw.org and i see that there's a whole bunch of conventions now listed on the site for 2019.. isn't this odd?
normally we were told the location of conventions during the first week of january.. did they realize there was less in attendance in the 2018 conventions, and want to give ppl more time to make travel arrangements??
Zeb: Darknight 'parties and talent shows'...?
Darkknight: Yes we had to coordinate “entertainment” for these delegates the last time and they chose me to take the lead in this.
i was just told there will be international conventions in canada in 2019. .
so i looked at jw.org and i see that there's a whole bunch of conventions now listed on the site for 2019.. isn't this odd?
normally we were told the location of conventions during the first week of january.. did they realize there was less in attendance in the 2018 conventions, and want to give ppl more time to make travel arrangements??
The last International Assembly was back in 2014 and during the hoopla, spiritual fervor and the widespread rolling out of red carpets for international delegates, if anyone would have said out loud that this "system of things" would continue on until 2019 and there would be more International Assemblies taking place, they'd have been considered borderline apostate, spiritually weak or at the very least a negative spoil sport.
for family worship last night, our family watched remember the wife of lot movie since it will be discussed in the meeting this week.
there’s a few things i noticed that i didn’t think about last time i watched it.. first, the dad is very of course against his daughters going to college or even trying to find a good job.
yet he does accounting, which is a very good job that almost always requires a college education.
Lots' wife was really worth her salt!
just saying!
And she was a "Pillar" of the community.
one thing that has intrigued me are so many who have left, who are wholly convinced everything in existence is merely by chance now, also claim they wouldn't want to live forever, and perfectly fine if this is the only life.
now, i would understand that if you were raised into the religion.
i was raised into it.
I came to the realization that most people don't necessarily want to live forever, they just don't want to die.
They are afraid of not knowing what will cause their death and not knowing what happens afterward. Not knowing has always been unpleasant for humans who are wired to preserve themselves alive and who are aware of their own mortality. In most cases, thinking about what "might happen" is worse than dealing with it in real time.
Having the promise that the world will end before you grow old and die, solves both of those problems. My very elderly JW mother in law is realizing that she probably won't live to see the end of the "system of things" and the promise of living forever is of little comfort to her. She just didn't want to grow old and die.
at least in hindsight it would appear so.
i remember as a small kid not making friends because ultimately they were going to die.
i never saved anything because money would be useless in the new world.
How could anyone be stable after attending 3 indoctrination sessions a week where all the flaws of everyone else in the world are highlighted and everyone is preparing for a cataclysmic event that never occurred.